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10 Life Quotes that will motivate you

Life is not easy. There are many challenges that we must face that can cause us a great deal of pain and frustration. When this happens, it is important to find ways that you can reset and shift your thinking so that you get back on track. Here's a list of quotes that will boost your confidence and uplift your spirit so you can stay positive and keep going in life.

1. "Life is not a race-but indeed a journey."

life is a journey

Life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships, joy, celebrations and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our purpose in life. Along our journey we will be confronted with many situations, some will be filled with joy, and some will be filled with heartache. How we react to what we are faced with determines the outcome of the rest of our life.

2. "Some days you just have to create your own sunshine."

create your own sunshine

There are days where everything goes wrong. You may get late for work, or you may experience something bad at work or someone says something rude to you. There are those days, and everyone has them.

It’s easy to get feel sad in stressful days, but one way to overcome it is by creating your own "sunshine." Keep a smile on your face and start working on the things that make you happy. Going out with friends, listening to your favorite music, playing with kids or writing a short note on the things that make you happy…. All these things that can bring a little brightness to your day.

3. "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react."

life is about how you react

Yes, life isn’t about what happens to you, it’s about how you react to it. And how can you react positively when your entire self-worth is tied up into that other person, place or thing? So, live the life like it’s meant to be lived.

4. "Keep Smiling and one day life will get tired of upsetting you."

always keep smiling

If you manage to smile at any situation you are the winner of highest number of hearts in this world. So, keep smiling .

5. "Take a deep breath it’s just a bad day not a bad life."

it's not a bad life

So you had a bad day, it’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Keep in mind that every day will not be good, but you should have faith that there’s something good in every day. Have faith, be positive and make decisions that improve your health and your happiness.

6. "The best things in life never come easy such as good relationships with loved ones, good friendship, and royalty, these things require patience, time and a lot of effort."

the best things in life never come easy

The good things come with a big price. The things you search for like your dream apartment, love, or successful life always take so much work and heartache until found. You might look at other people that have a different experience and say 'they are just lucky’.

But remember, when you wish for something, it takes some time and effort to get back to you.

7. "Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

challenges make life interesting

Can you imagine a life without any challenges, the entire life without any problems and obstacles? Kind of boring, right? Yes. Life without challenges seems pale and pointless. Because challenges or failure gives you an opportunity to learn, experience and grow. You can easily transform into a new version of yourself. A version with more life experience and clearer vision of what life wants and where it’s taking you to.

8. "Enjoy life now this is not a rehearsal."

enjoy life now

Life is a cycle of good times and bad. It’s not linear. There are always going to be ups and downs. Don't get depressed. Be strong and enjoy every moment of your life. Accept everything positives and negatives of your life and learn from them. Because life is too short to live. So be happy and experience every moment of your life.

9. "You can’t live a positive life with negative mind."

you can't live a positive life with negative mind

A negative mind will never give you a positive life. In order to have a life filled with love, health and good fortune, you need to have a positive mind. Because positivity fuels success and makes life brighter.

10. "The purpose of life is to love whoever is around to be loved."

the purpose of life is to love

The meaning of life is to love. There is no greater purpose, no greater meaning. When you love something unconditionally, it gives your life meaning, it gives you the willpower to live positively, and that’s one of the greatest treasures love can give, a positive, healthy attitude towards life, and of life towards you.

Contributor, December 15, 2020

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