Dating Tips > Culture > 10 Things You're Doing That Annoy Her

10 Things You're Doing That Annoy Her

Do you ever wonder what you're doing that irks your girlfriend to her very core? Well we have the answers for you, right here in this guide.

Pretending to listen or just not listening at all

There is nothing more frustrating than having to repeat ourselves more than two times. Don't act like your listening, that will just make us more frustrated with you. Listen the first time around and if you don't hear us, that's fine, we have no problem repeating ourselves if you didn't understand or just couldn't hear, but if you couldn't hear because you refused to turn the football game down the first three times we asked you to do something then, we won't be so kind when we repeat ourselves for the fourth time.

Leaving your beard shavings in the sink

Gross. Just wash it out, it's that simple! We don't even mind if you clog the drain with your facial hair because we know the alternative is you looking like wolverine but asking you to run the faucet and rinse out the hair isn't that difficult of a task.

Taking Forever to Text Back

We don't expect you to have your phone in your hand every waking moment, but it shouldn't take you 30 minutes to reply to a simple text. We get it, you have your friends, family and work, but we also know that you are on your phone more often then you're not, checking on the results of games you missed or checking your fantasy sports teams. If you are one to text back immediately, we suggest waiting maybe a minute or 2, so you don't seem so desperate, but make sure you make her a priority.

Bringing Up the Past

This is the worst thing you can discuss with a girl you are trying to date or are currently dating. Discussing your ex, shows that they're still on your mind and makes the girl you are with very uncomfortable, insecure and mad. Just don't do it.

Over Indulging

No one likes the person who can't be sober and it's not necessary to have a drink in your hand at all times, you CAN have fun and be sober at the same time.

A Total Flirt

When you're on a date or have a partner, flirting with another girl is a big fat no! It's okay to be friendly and make jokes with the waitress, but there is a fine line and if you cross it, chances are that your girlfriend will start to question your integrity.

Keeping Tabs

If you're feeling insecure and your girlfriend hasn't done anything to make you question her loyalty, then the person you should check in on is yourself. It's hard trying to go out with your girls and have a good time when your boyfriend is texting you questions nonstop about who you're with and what you're doing. If you're a guy and you find yourself in this situation, take a step back and look at the situation from your girl's shoes. Having a healthy relationship, means giving each other some space to hang out with friends or to be alone. If you're with your partner 100 percent of the time, eventually you'll end up pushing each other away. So, take a deep breath and let her have some fun and try to find something to do while she is out so you don't feel the urge to text her constantly.


We don't always expect you to know what we should do or how we should spend our time, but when we ask you a specific question about what we should do or if we should go eat Italian or Chinese, we are not looking for you to answer our question with a question or say, "whatever you want to do". Sometimes we like decisions to be made for us, especially if we ask you specifically to choose something. We're indecisive too, so when we ask you a question, we genuinely want an answer.

The Unexpected Tagalong

Imagine, you're getting ready to go on a date, wearing your nicest outfit to impress your date, your hair is just perfect, you walk out your door to meet your date and you look up from the ground and see their best friend riding shotgun in the car. If that's not disappointing, then I don't know what is! To a woman, this means that you don't want to be alone with them and needed emotional support from your buddy and you needed a buffer in case there's a lull in the conversation. Stay away from bringing one, two or all of your friends on a date; it doesn't matter if it's your first or your 20th date together - it should just be the two of you unless clearly stated otherwise.

Double booking

This is my personal pet peeve. There is nothing more frustrating to me than when someone makes plans over my plans because they just weren't interested in our plans. Instead of making a recommendation, you say maybe and then decide to go play basketball with your crew instead. No. This is not okay to do, whether you've been dating two weeks or two years. We clearly want to hang out with you, if you don't like the suggestion, then try suggesting something else to do together instead, don't just make plans over ours, it suggests that our time together and our emotions are less important to you than your feelings or our emotions just aren't important to you. If we mean anything to you, stop putting off the truth and tell us flat out that you'd rather do something else.

While women may come off as complicated creatures, we're not that hard to understand at all. While there are many habits that annoy us, these are some of the more popular ones, but if you're curious as to what specifically annoys your girlfriend, just ask and she'll gladly share her pet peeves with you.

Nicole Schurott, July 16, 2018

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