Dating Tips > Culture > 8 Signs That a Guy is Serious About You

8 Signs That a Guy is Serious About You

So, you are in a relationship and you think there is potential, but you aren't totally sure. What you need to do is look for the signs that the guy you are dating is serious about you and your future together. Well fear not - we have a list that will help you with just that. Check out our top 8 signs that a guy is serious about you!

You're shown to be a priority

If a guy goes out of his way to be with you rather than his friends or doing something else. It may not be overt, but when he decides not to hang out with his best friends for you, then you know you are on to something special

He is genuinely curious about you

When a guy is genuinely interested in you he will always be attentive, make a lot of eye contact, and show genuine reactions to what you have to say. When you ask him a question, he will give you his answer but respond with a probing question about your life. If your guy shows he cares about you and what you want in the relationship, then you know he is the real deal!

He listens to your opinion

If he cares about your opinion, it shows that your thoughts or beliefs on a matter hold weight in his mind.

He is open and honest with you

If he is transparent with you and likes to tell you about his life, that is a good sign he is comfortable with you and wants to continue to see you. When he is honest, it means he can trust you as a confidant. That is huge! If you get to that point with him then you know he is serious about you.

You feel he is being his genuine self around you

When you see him being comfortable with you and show his true colors (and his true colors are still consistently good), then it allows you to be open and comfortable around him as well. So, seeing that shows he really cares about you because he wants to see you at your most genuine.

He wants to share his passions with you

If he is really into something like cooking, sports, or movies, he is going to want to share these things with you. Obviously, these are not deal breakers if it turns out you don't like his passions as much as he does, but it shows that he wants you to at least understand why he is passionate about certain things.

He keeps his promises

When a guy proves his reliability to you, it means he is serious. He is trying his best to prove to you that he is also worth your time. He wants to do things for you, so all his promises are going to be followed through.

He wants you to meet his friends and family

This means that he wants his relationships with his family and friends to include you as well. This is one of the biggest steps towards a serious relationship. If a guy wants you in more than just his life, then that means you are a huge priority for him!

Michael Meerovich, May 23, 2018

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