Dating Tips > First Dates > 8 Things You Shouldn't Have to Deal with on a First Date

8 Things You Shouldn't Have to Deal with on a First Date

Going out on dates is fun, you get to dress up, go out and have a great time and get to meet someone new who you could potentially have a future with. Dating isn't supposed to be stressful in a bad way or in any way have a negative association to it, so why should you have to put up with a bad date? The answer is, you shouldn't! Here are eight bad habits you shouldn't have to deal with on a first date.

Cell Phone Use

It doesn't matter if you're talking to your sister, checking the score on the soccer game you're missing or even checking your social media accounts. You should never pick up your phone during a date, and if you do, at least excuse yourself from the table, but it better be an important conversation. This gives your date the impression that you're not interested in this date whatsoever. The only time you are allowed to answer your phone call is:

  1. If you're looking for an escape route and have to answer a call from a friend that "needs your help".
  2. If you are expecting an important call

If either of these are the case, simply excuse yourself from the table and take the call. Otherwise, doing anything involving your cell phone on a date, gives your date the impression that you're not interested in this date whatsoever. Check your phone before you go on your date, let everyone who's texting you know you're going on a date and that you won't be able to answer your phone for at least an hour.


It's one thing if you're running late because of an emergency, but if you're running late because you overslept, or you were having fun hanging out with your friends, then your first impression was not a good one. Showing up late to a date is not fashionable, you're showing your date that you have better things to do than be on time or early to your date which is a shame, since this person could be the one, and if they're willing to give you a second chance then that's great, but the first impression is a hard one to change.


This habit disliked by most if not all people. We're happy for you that you've made millions off the deal you made with another company but telling your date about how much you love your new private jet or heated floors is something that your date doesn't necessarily want to hear all about. If it comes up it's perfectly fine to discuss, but in no way should you brag about the numerous expensive things you can afford thanks to your newly earned riches.

Rude Behavior towards the Wait Staff

This may not seem like a big deal, but how you treat the wait staff is a large factor in determining what type of person you are. According to licensed Clinical Psychologist Dr. Seth Meyers, if you're yelling at the poor kid serving your meal because of a small mistake, then it tells your date that you can never be pleased and enjoy the power associated with having an audience.

A Self-Involved Date

A date that loves to talk about themselves and only themselves is also something you should never have to deal with on any date. This person always has a story that either matches or tops your story.


You just met your date not even 15 minutes ago and they are arguing with you over the smallest differences in opinion. It's normal for you to have disagreements throughout the course of your relationship, but on a first date it is unacceptable. You should never have to put up with someone who thinks everything in life is a competition.


While dates are nerve racking and intimidating, they are supposed to be fun and light hearted. It's important to keep in mind that you're not interrogating someone, you're trying to have a conversation with them to get to know them. You don't need to be quizzing someone on every topic under the sun, and you shouldn't put up with it either. Remember dates are a good way to meet new people and meet your potential life partner, you don't want to scare them or be scared by the amount of questions being asked.

Someone Ordering for You

While this can be romantic if you and your date have been dating for quite some time, it is not considered romantic when this is done on the first date. You and your date don't know each other, and while maybe you may have suggestions or even know that this restaurant has a great appetizer, your date may not like what you order them, or they may even be allergic to one of the ingredients used in the dish you just ordered as their main meal. Stay away from ordering for someone unless you know their likes dislikes and what they're allergic to.

First dates are fun and exciting but can also be very intimidating, especially if you have some nasty habits that tend to turn people away from what you have to offer. Each person you date will be different and have their own set of stipulations and annoyances, but these suggestions are widely disliked and should be avoided at all costs. Be aware of the things you say, be on time, focus on getting to know your date and please, be polite to the weight staff! Happy dating!

Meyers, Seth. "When Your Date Is Rude to Waiters: It Means Everything or Nothing? |." EHarmony Advice, 18 Feb. 2015,

Nicole Schurott, July 16, 2018

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