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Common Teenage Love Problems and Their Solutions

Teenage love is often challenging and complicated. It may leave the young adults heartbroken with reduced self-esteem and trust issues. Things are confusing and there's lack of experience. Besides, instead of guiding them, the adults around them either judge them or don’t take their issues seriously. Eventually, the teens make mistakes and drift away from all their loved ones.

When it comes to teenage relationships, every individual behaves differently. Some make it their whole world while some just want to try it because others think it is cool. However, each one of them go through some common problems and struggle to resolve them. Here are some common love problems experienced by teenagers along with their solutions.

Peer pressure

Teenage love problems

Teens often feel pressurized to behave a certain way when they are surrounded by their peers. For example, they may reinforce this idea that being intimate with a partner at an early age will make them a stud. Or that committing to one person is boring. When young adults are subjected to this kind of conditioning, they may head to the wrong path and develop bad habits.

There’s no need to believe that you are inferior to anyone just because you don’t have a boyfriend and girlfriend. Also, do things at your own pace and be comfortable in your space. Don’t copy anyone or pretend to be someone you are not. The fear of being left out is real but you can find friends who truly love you for what you are.


Since relationships require sincerity and maturity to handle various situations, it’s a constant problem for teens. For them, it’s not easy to handle fights and prevent misunderstandings. They are not well-versed with the idea of giving their partners enough privacy. Sometimes, they don’t even understand their own feelings properly and may take things too seriously or too lightly.

It’s okay if you don’t know how to express yourself or what’s the right thing to do. What’s more important is that both of you must say what you feel out loud. Effective communication is key in ensuring a happy relationship. You may not understand the gravity of the situation but you can always lend an ear to your partner and hear them out.


Teenagers often get possessive about their partners and don’t like them hanging out with others. They may argue with their best friends about their girlfriends or the other way round. At such an early age, it’s easy to be confused about right and wrong. Teens may easily feel insecure, angry, and frustrated when things don’t happen their way.

To resolve this issue, parents must talk to their teen kids about their feelings. It’s important to be patient and not act on angry thoughts. Having trust and understanding goes a long way in ensuring a peaceful and happy relationship.

Handling heartbreak

Handling heartbreak during teenageHandling heartbreak during teenageheartbreak in teenage relationships

First heartbreak at an early age is the toughest thing to go through in one’s life. Since teens are highly emotional and less practical, it’s difficult for them to process these thoughts and come out of them easily. Whether it’s unrequited love, a rejection, or a breakup, any form of heartbreak during teenage seems like the world coming to an end.

It’s difficult to convince a young adult not to lose hope when they are ditched by someone. However, there are ways to comfort them and help them move on from the relationship. Instead of laughing at a heartbroken teenager and telling them it’s no big deal, we must allow them to spill out their emotions and give them space to heal.


Stuck between childhood and adulthood, a teenager struggles through a lot of thoughts and emotions. At this age, there are so many things to worry about that love and relationship may seem like a distant reality. It’s important for teens to understand their priorities in life.

This is the phase for them to grab good opportunities that help in their growth. Love problems shouldn’t make them take their career lightly. One needs to find a balance between enjoying the present and making a future. It’s possible to have a love life while ensuring success and growth if someone is focused and determined enough. The only thing that teens should remember is that people will always come and go; it’s completely fine.

Infatuation or love

When you experience love for the first time it can be tricky to identify whether it’s simply a crush or you are really falling for someone. Teenagers may often make mistakes in judging such situations. They may find someone attractive and think that it’s an exclusive relationship. This is quite common for everyone in this age group.

The best solution is to really take your time and process your thoughts. If you feel strongly for someone for some time, you should probably confess. However, if the feeling goes away and you feel the same for someone else the very next day, chances are that it was simply attraction. So, always be patient before you go on to act on your thoughts.

Lack of support

Teenagers dating problems

It can be very difficult for a teenager to seek guidance and acceptance from adults around them when it comes to solving love problems. This is because instead of giving a solution, people often belittle the teenagers’ concerns and ask them to not take things seriously, which is simply not enough.

It’s important for all of us to realize that no matter what age we are in, love is difficult for everyone. Instead of being judgmental, we must give them time and let them express their pain. After all, we all experienced the same thing when it happened with us for the first time.


Teenagers are usually subjected to various restrictions by their parents. Sometimes, they are not even allowed to date until they reach a certain age limit. Besides, they need to abide by a lot of rules and follow a disciplines schedule which makes dating an almost impossible venture. However, if the parent-kid relationship is healthy, there won’t be much issues.

Parenting your teens in their dating age can be tricky but don’t be too hard on them if you really want them to listen to you. Develop enough trust and faith so they don’t hide things from you. Allow them to go out occasionally so they can enjoy their life. Putting too much restriction will eventually make them rebellious. As far as the teens are concerned, they shouldn’t dismiss everything their parents say without giving it a thought.

Contributor, December 29, 2020

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