Dating Tips > Culture > Stop Sabotaging Your Dating Life

Stop Sabotaging Your Dating Life

If you're single and looking for a relationship, there are a few potential hazards. The biggest one? Yourself. You may possess certain habits and behaviors that, unbeknownst to you, are self-sabotaging when it comes to dating. They make it harder to find and connect with others. You can improve these problematic parts of yourself without changing who you are. Otherwise, you'll be stuck in a pattern of love and loss.

Self-sabotaging behaviors are based in fear and emotional scars, and they keep us from discovering new opportunities. They cripple our ability to love and threaten future happiness. When healthy skepticism turns into a debilitating resistance, figure out how you got to that point and what it will take to get you out. Quiet the negative voice in your head and use these tips to get back on the horse.

Kelly Martini, July 13, 2018

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