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Vegan Foods with Health and Beauty Benefits


Walnuts boost your immune system, and in doing so, benefit your cardiovascular system and increase bone density. A healthy amount of walnuts increases your daily satiety, so it's easier to lose weight. The nut's phytonutrients suppress and even kill cancer cells. Its melatonin brings sleep on faster and for a longer period of time. As an anti-inflammatory, walnuts effectively work against eczema and asthma while also stopping premature balding. The moisturizing properties of walnut oil rubbed into skin and scalp soothe psoriasis, dandruff, and overall dryness. Eating walnuts consistently strengthens hair while the high amount of keratin makes your mane longer and shinier.

Dark chocolate

The anti-aging antioxidants of dark chocolate shield your skin from UV damage; they also inhibit wrinkles and skin discoloration. Cocoa slows down cognitive decline by decreasing damage to nerve pathways and promoting blood flow to the brain. Chocolate lessens your possibility of stroke, improves your circulation, and minimizes bad cholesterol. It also boosts your mood by forcing your brain to release endorphins. The increased blood flow to your brain makes you feel more awake and alert.


The abundance of astringents in guava tightens loose skin and clarifies the complexion. They counter acne, premature aging, and blackheads. Rich in Vitamin A, guava can calm nerves and relieve muscle tension. Guavas prevent eye disease and macular degeneration while enhancing overall vision health. Chewing on guava leaves alleviates toothaches, oral ulcers, and swollen gums; it's also a great way to ward off bad breath. This nutrient-rich fruit cleanses your body from toxins and strengthens the digestive system. Drink guava juice for constipation and diarrhea or to control your metabolism and type-2 diabetes.

Green tea

Green tea contains antioxidants that stimulate hair growth and thickness. Its extract rejuvenates the skin – treating eczema as well as oily complexions. Green tea protects against UV rays and exfoliates to removes dead skin while acting as a toner to hydrate and plump cells. The tea reduces your risk for cardiovascular disease by lowering cholesterol levels and your blood pressure. Depressed? Drinking just one cup stimulates relaxation and elevates your mood by altering your neurotransmitters.

Kelly Martini, June 21, 2018

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