Dating Tips > First Dates > Who Pays on the First Date?

Who Pays on the First Date?

You finally ask that special someone out, and they say yes… Congratulations on scoring that date! You both are excited to meet each other and have a great time together over dinner. But when the bill eventually finds its way to your table, you both are left wondering who should pay.

In today's dating culture, the first impression is very important and who should pay can get very confusing. Since there are no official rules, it comes down to your personal views and dating style. Here are three popular options to help you decide which one of you should pull out their wallet on the first date.

who pays for dinner on a date

The man should pay
In the most classic situation, the man picks up the check. Many women look for that "provider" quality in a man. They look for a man who shows that he values and appreciates their time. Similarly, from the view of a man, some insist that they pay the bill, because it shows they are chivalrous and a true gentleman. At the end of the day, this option is the most traditional, and some consider it outdated. However, every couple is different, so if you are old-fashioned when it comes to the first date… let the man pay.

Whoever asked should pay
If you were the one who initiated plans, then you might be the one paying -- regardless of your gender. The check becomes your responsibility when you ask the other person out. It is a wise idea to pick a restaurant or activity which is budget-friendly for you, so you can cover the entire cost with no problem. If this scenario applies to you, be ready to foot the bill or at least offer to do so.

You should split 50/50
Sometimes it's best to meet in the middle and pay for your half. Also called "going dutch," each party pays for their own share of the bill on the first date. Although this is the least conventional method of paying the bill, it's the most fair. Dividing the check in half is a good idea for those men and women who feel strongly about gender equality and fighting gender stereotypes. In today's world, women are more powerful and have a greater voice than ever. While dating, they want to feel empowered and fully capable of taking care of themselves.

Aside from feminist and social issues, many people prefer splitting a bill as a way out. If you're scared the date will not go well and don't want to feel guilty saying no to a second, pick up the tab for only your portion. Sometimes when the other person covers the entire check, you can feel like you owe them something further.

does the man pay on a first date

There are lots of gray areas regarding who should pay, particularly when it comes to the first date. The way paying for the check is approached will outline the type of vibe you have with your significant other. If you prepare yourself, you can skip the potential awkwardness and plan for what you are the most comfortable with.

Contributor, October 8, 2018

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