Dating Tips > Culture > 10 Things Strong Women Don't Give a Damn About

10 Things Strong Women Don't Give a Damn About

Arianna Grande says God is a woman. Do you agree? Well, at, we think women are strong and fearless. In that spirit, we bring you a list of 10 things strong women don't care about! After all, women are thriving everywhere -- from CEOs to heads of state, women have made their presence felt.

Strong Women

2018 was a blockbuster year for women. The #metoo movement rocked everything from Hollywood mega studios to Fortune 500 board rooms... and all because strong, independent women had the courage to come forward. They presented themselves not as victims, but as warriors fighting back. These women are just one example of strong women. There are strong women all over the world and here are a few traits that they all have in common!

1. They don't care about naysayers

Taylor Swift famously said, "Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate." A strong woman doesn't let naysayers bring her down! She takes their negativity in stride or simply laughs it off. Trust us, you can't keep a strong woman down for long.

2. They don't care about fashion

A strong woman is way more than her clothes. She doesn't define herself by her wardrobe choices or let others define her according what she wears. Fashion police have been known to run the other way when they see a strong woman coming.

3. They don't care about their mistakes

A strong woman learns from her mistakes. She doesn't stew over them or let past disgressions define who she is. She accepts that she is human and will make mistakes. At the same time, you can bet she won't make the same mistake twice.

4. They don't care about the perfect body

A smart woman doesn't let society's conventions of beauty bring her down. She celebrates her body as is and encourages others to do so as well.

5. They don't care about fitting in

A strong woman doesn't care about fitting in or conforming to society's rules. She is unapologetically herself wherever she goes, and if people don't like it, too bad.

6. They don't care about gossip

"Gossip is to women what water is to plants." "Women thrive on gossip." You might have heard such phrases describing women. But this couldn't be farther from the truth for strong women. A strong woman knows how harmful gossip can be and stays away from it at all costs.

7. They don't care about being right all the time

A strong woman doesn't care about being right all the time. They know no one, no matter how intelligent, can be right 100 percent of the time. Being in the wrong is how you hone in on your weaknesses and learn from them.

8. They don't give a damm about social media

A strong woman might unabashedly shout her views to the world on social media, but she won't care about the number of retweets or likes they get. Her day isn't ruined if people aren't liking her Instagram photos or if her tweet isn't trending. A strong woman is above all that.

9. They don't care about their exes

People have this idea that women spend weeks mooning over their exes after they break up. Nothing can be farther from the truth. A strong woman doesn't give a damm about her no-good ex. Truth be told she is the one who kicked him to the curb in the first place.

10. They don't give a damm about status

A strong woman isn't impressed by titles or positions. Being a princess or Mrs. So-and-So is regressive in their mind. They would much rather be politicians and business owners. Were women like Indira Nooyi or Angela Merkel after status when they reached the pinnacle of their respective fields? Was Hillary Clinton trying to be a status symbol when she ran for President? She ran, because she wanted to break that glass ceiling. And even though she didn't win, she did manage to crack it. Strong women get to be where they are by working hard and not giving a moment's thought to empty labels.

Unlike men who had everything handed to them, women had to fight for each and every one of their rights. Strong women fighting for the right to vote in the 1800s had the same aforementioned qualities as strong women fighting for equal pay today.

Contributor, April 3, 2019

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