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Welcome to Pyar

Joining Pyar means you've decided to grab dating by the horns. Nice.

Now it's time to make a good first impression online, and all you have to do is upload a photo of yourself.

You may be thinking that looks don't matter. We totally agree, they don't matter - much. While personality is important, your first impression via your profile photo is still a factor in deciding who your perfect match is going to be.

Profiles with photos are nine times more likely to get communication than profiles without them.

Can't say it all in one photo? Try adding some gallery photos and a cover photo in addition to your profile photo.

Before you upload just any photo, here are some tips for you to follow so can upload the best possible photo of yourself.

Include your Interests

Upload a photo of you doing something you love to do. Not only does this photo show eligible men and women what you look like, but it also gives them an idea of what you like to do. Like playing cricket? Upload a photo of you playing. Obviously, it's a little difficult for you to take one of yourself if you're playing, so have one of your friends take one for you. Make sure it's a flattering shot of you doing something good and not something embarrassing. As long as your photo is appropriate and follows the guidelines, you can post a photo of anything your heart desires.

Full-Length Photos

Uploading a good photo can be hard to do, but that's why we're here. If you can't decide on a good photo with a focus on your face, consider uploading a full body photo is can be helpful when picking a partner. Let's be honest, if you're the athletic type that enjoys hiking during their free time, uploading a photo of you on top of a mountain can filter out those couch potatoes. Don't be afraid to post who you really are in these photos. You want to make sure your potential dates know exactly who they are dealing with, and the same goes for you; you don't want to be led to believe you're dating someone who could be your perfect match and it turns out to be your second cousin twice removed. Be honest when choosing a photo, have fun and don't be afraid to show off your best self!

Man's Best Friend

Have a pet? Consider uploading a photo of you and your furry friend. It will filter out those who don't like animals as well as show that you have a sensitive side. A photo of you with your dog or cat shows you are more sensitive, easy going, playful and let's not forget, responsible.


When choosing a photo to upload to your profile, make sure it's a recent photo. Uploading a photo that is recent, shows others, who you are today, you don't want to show them who you were in high school, be honest with who you are, and love will find its way to you. If you lie in your profile picture and score a date off of it, you're going to get caught immediately, which is not a good way to start the date. Not to mention, uploading a recent photo who shows exactly who you are, will get you genuine matches who are exactly what you're looking for.

Take these pointers into consideration when choosing the perfect profile picture and be confident in your choice of photo. Showing exactly who you are will help you get the partner of your dreams.

Nicole Schurott, May 24, 2018

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