In a long-distance relationship, it's quite tough to deal with emotions and keep the romance alive. The inability to meet your partner frequently and spend quality time with them can be quite upsetting, especially in the moments when you need them the most. Many couples fail to make it work due to lack of effective communication. However, the distance and waiting can make the relationship special if you can act with patience and maturity.
Waiting for months to see your partner in front of you and being able to finally hug them can be overwhelming but also so fulfilling and rewarding. The longer you stay away from each other, the stronger is the desire to be with each other. Their absence makes you realize how much they mean to you.
Although the current social distancing practices in dating have taught people how to manage the relationship remotely, staying in a long-distance relationship is a totally different challenge altogether. Only love can make two people go through such hardship and get past it.
So, is love enough to keep the romance alive in a long-distance relationship? Well, sadly you need much more than that. Read on to know more about ways to be romantic in a long-distance relationship.
Calling and texting

No matter how busy you are, make it a rule to talk to your partner every night before going to sleep. Make these conversations a part of your routine. Send them romantic texts like "I miss you", “I love you” when they least expect it. Even a simple good morning text can make them smile. Regular calls, texts, and emails will make you feel close to each other. Take the advantage of technology to bridge the physical distance and let them know how much they mean to you.
Virtual dates

Even if you cannot meet regularly and go out on dates, the advanced technology can help you enjoy virtual dates and even let you engage in several activities online. Plan a date with your long-distance partner occasionally and do things that you love. A date doesn’t only mean having dinner in a fancy restaurant. It can be simply about watching a movie on a streaming platform or ordering the same cuisine at your respective homes. You can also compete in an online game and have a playful date filled with fun and laughter.
Sending gifts

In a long-distance relationship, it’s important to shower your partner with love on special occasions as well as on regular days. Make their day special by sending a customized item or some handmade piece of art if you are into creative gift ideas. You can also send a hand-written love letter and pour your heart out. It’s way more special than any text message or email. These days, people also make videos on birthdays and compile recordings of friends and family members to celebrate occasions remotely. It feels much more personal and heartwarming.
Sending regular life updates

Since the two of you are away from each other, the only way to include them in your life is to involve them in all your life decisions. Tell them about everything that goes on in your life. Discuss all your doubts and dilemmas with them. Even if they can’t help you resolve anything from far away, talking to them will be relieving and comforting. You can also send them random pictures of your special moments so they can feel close to you. Picture messages are a great way of feeling someone’s presence.
Planning every visit

Visiting your long-distance partner is a big deal because it’s not every day that you get to sit with them and feel their presence. So, plan all your visits and try to do something special for them whenever you meet. It can be a small gesture of leaving a handwritten note in their pocket or arranging a romantic weekend getaway together. Make the most of every moment that you spend with them. Even if you choose to stay at home and do nothing, hold them close and enjoy a cozy night by snuggling with them in the blanket.
Celebrating little things

To overcome the pain of being distant, you can come up with ideas to celebrate little things in your relationship. Whether it’s work-related stuff or something personal like ditching a bad habit. Set goals together and embark on your respective missions. This way you both will have things to look forward to. Pay attention to the important life events happening in your partner’s life and give them a pat on their back for all their achievements. Be their agony aunt and encourage them to give their best. Never let them feel insignificant.