Dating Tips > Long-Term > Signs You’re in an Official Relationship

Signs You’re in an Official Relationship

You've been on several dates with a woman, and you could not be happier. She makes you happy, she makes you laugh, she makes you want to be a better person. This is a person you want to form a deeper connection and commitment with. Nowadays, you don't really need to officially ask someone to be your girlfriend or boyfriend - not like in the days of old when guys would give gals their varsity jackets. Sometimes, it just happens fluidly, without you really realizing it.

However, just in case you're still unsure as to your relationship status with a person, here are some signs you just might be in an official relationship.

AUTHOR'S ADVICE: Even if you can relate to all the signs below, you should most definitely talk it over with your significant other before making it public. Okay, moving on…

Going out is implied

When you first start dating someone, dates are usually scheduled days, maybe weeks in advance. As the relationship progresses, however, the dates become somewhat more implied than planned. Your Saturday nights are automatically a "date night."

She's making future plans

If you or your significant other is suggesting (or straight up planning) things for the two of you do in a couple of weeks, or even months, it's pretty obvious the two of you are part of each other's long-term plans. Furthermore, if they want you to be a part of their holiday plans, or a date to a wedding in a few months, you know where this relationship is headed.

She's leaving stuff at your place

Are you finding a toothbrush in your bathroom you don't recognize? Is there a t-shirt on floor you know isn't yours? While she may not have intentions of moving in (yet), she is getting comfortable in your space - which can be awesome and scary at the same time. But relax a little and start sharing some of your shelf space. You can also reciprocate and leave stuff at her place, too. Lugging things back and forth can get annoying after a while.

She "borrows" your stuff

Scenario - it's a chilly evening. She asks to borrow your hoodie. You, being the chivalrous gentleman that you are, happily oblige. A week later, you are looking for that hoodie, only to realize that she is still in possession of it. Chances are, you are not getting that hoodie back, and that is perfectly okay. It looks better on her anyway and every time she wears it, she's thinking of you.

She wants to meet your friends and family

If this is just a causal relationship, she probably wants nothing to do with your friends and family. However, if she really wants to get to know more about you, there's no better method than getting to know those closest and dearest to you. A potential girlfriend is excited to meet your friends and family. She might even initiate the meetup.

If you are reading over these signs and relating to some, if not all of them - you've found yourself a keeper. And, while the right thing to do is talk it over with her before making your exclusivity public, chances are you've got yourself a girlfriend.

Michael Fromm, September 1, 2017

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